6 problemas comuns das plantas de interior no inverno e como resolvê-los

6 Common Indoor Plant Problems in Winter and How to Solve Them

Indoor plants are the best way to bring nature into your home, especially during the winter. However, low temperatures, reduced light and insufficient humidity – especially in homes with heating systems – can cause problems for your green friends.

Here are some of the main problems that indoor plants can face in winter, and how to solve them:

Lack of light

Plants need light to grow and survive. During the winter, when days are shorter, plants may not get enough light, which can cause yellowing or discoloring of the leaves. The solution is to place the plants near windows that receive direct sunlight or use grow lights to provide artificial light.

Low temperature

Plants can suffer from cold drafts coming in through doors and windows. Low temperatures can also damage plant roots. To avoid this, keep plants away from drafts and do not place them near open doors or windows. If you have plants outdoors, you should also check whether they are resistant to low temperatures and, if not, move them to a more suitable location.

Insufficient humidity

Dry winter air from central heating systems can cause problems such as dry leaves and brown spots on the leaves. To increase humidity, place containers of water near the plants or use a humidifier. It is also advisable to group several plants together to regulate the humidity level more easily. The opposite situation, that is, excess humidity in the air, is harmful to health and well-being, but does not negatively affect the plants.

Lack of water

Plants need water to survive. Interestingly, it’s easy to forget to water your plants in the winter, especially if they’re in a less visible location. The leaves will wilt and the plant will lose its elasticity. To avoid this, establish a watering schedule and check your plants regularly to see if they need water.

Pests and diseases

Houseplants can be affected by a variety of pests and diseases, especially if they are kept indoors in a humid environment. Look for spots, holes, or small larvae, especially on the undersides of leaves. Keep your plants clean and healthy by removing dead or damaged leaves and spraying with an insecticide or fungicide if necessary.

Sudden changes in temperature

Plants can suffer if they are moved from a warm environment to a cold environment and vice versa. The appearance of yellow or drooping leaves are symptoms of thermal shock suffered by the plant. To avoid this, give the plants time to adapt to the temperature changes before taking them indoors or outdoors for good.

Identifying these problems is essential to keeping your plants healthy and looking beautiful. It’s important to inspect your plants regularly, checking the leaves, roots, and soil, and paying attention to any changes in the plants’ appearance and behavior. If you notice any abnormalities, it’s important to act quickly to resolve the problem before it gets worse.

We recommend keeping a record of your plants, noting their growth, watering frequency, light levels and temperatures. This will help you identify patterns and future problems more quickly. With a little care and attention, you can create a green and healthy environment in your home all year round!

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